Our poor little baby hasn't been feeling well the past few days... We thought she might be fighting a virus, but got confirmation Mia projectile vomited all over Momma! Mom had just finished feeding Mia her bedtime bottle when Mia began spitting up. Moments later she turned into a human fire hose!! We all know how painful that is. It was so pitiful to see her crying and upset. Nothing that a little quality Momma coddling couldn't resolve, as noted in the above picture. Surprisingly, she slept fairly well through the night and seems to be doing better today.
We've definitely noticed that she doesn't whine like most kids we're used to. I don't know if she's just a tough kid, or maybe this is the result of time spent unattended in an orphanage. If it weren't for her little nose constantly draining, we would barely know she's sick! Maybe a blessing and a curse... We love her so much it's crazy!
Ohhh... Poor little pumpkin!!! Hope she feels better soon!
Hope Mia will be well enough to make it to Ohio. We're waiting for her.
Just wanted to stop by and say HELLO... I met Mia & your husband on Sat. at my work..(H*me D*pot)...
She is adorable.. We are LID 4/28/07... I just want you to know that she made my day...
Have a Great Week..
Stop by and check out our family...
I will be checking back...
Thanks again..
Awwww...baby's first projectile vomiting!! We lovingly refer to it as "the spew". These are the moments that only Momma will do! I must be really dimented by years of sleep deprivation but even those moments could be precious!
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