School started this past week! I can't hardly believe it, but this is Mia's 4th year at Chanen Preschool and she's going 5 days a week now... She is officially in Pre-K now, and is very proud to let everyone know. She's also very proud to have her little brother joining her two class rooms down! Brandon started on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but we were forced to keep Aubrey out until she is fully walking. This actually works out good, as it gives Momma some quality one-on-one time to work with Aubrey on her development. It's amazing how much time we had to work with Mia, and how little time we get with the twins for anything other than bathing, feeding, changing and keeping them safe! It's frightening to think that Mia will be in Kindergarten at a real school next year... Brandon has done fantastic! One of this teacher's was formerly the school's music teacher. His name is Aris, and he is from Israel. He carries around his acoustic guitar all day, and sings to the children constantly. Brandon is absolutely smitten! Brandon isn't fully talking, but he clearly understands everything you ask of him, and is gaining words by the day. His favorite word of the moment is "Melmo!". That translates to Elmo... Our angels are sure growing quickly! We love them so much... Note Mia's new 'Cars' backpack that Grammy got her for back to school. She was very proud, as she's obsessed with Cars!