We flew to Cleveland for a week to get a chance for everyone to meet the sunshine girl. We had a whirlwind trip of dinners, play dates & parties! Mia met dozens and dozens of people. She was such a sport as every one of them held her and cooed about her beauty... It was so nice to get a chance to share our long awaited little bundle of joy with all of our friends and family. Grandma Margaret, Aunty Cathy, Aunt Donna, Eileen & Michelle were all unbelievably gracious in hosting a Mia bash on Saturday. We had close to 100 people at Grandpa's house for a Chinese themed party. The house was decorated beautifully with chinese lanterns and streamers, the Chinese food was fantastic and the party was absolutely a success! We had Andy & Jen fly in from DC, as well as Steve, Sharon & Greg from St. Louis, and Aunt Chrisy from LA. Grammy & Papa also made the long trip from Tucson just to be with our little angel. We capped off the trip with a beautiful family dinner party on Sunday night, hosted by Aunt Donna & Uncle Chris. The whole trip was filled with so much love and excitement that Mia misses her new friends and family in Cleveland already...