The Lovell home has been quarantined this week and is officially a war zone! All five family members have been hit hard with the stomach flu... It started with poor Aubrey projectile vomiting on Sunday afternoon, and progressed throught the ranks. On Monday night, everyone but Mia was in the depths of despair at the very same time. Thank God Momma has the constitution she has, or we'd have all been carted away by ambulance. That woman's level of sacrifice knows no boundaries... Aunt Cathy was a huge help as well. She showed up sporting a surgical mask, which entertained Mia, and proceeded to assist with Mia's bathing and bedtime routine. She was a tremendous help. Then on Tuesday, as we thought we were pulling out of it, Mia decides to projectile vomit as she is playing the drums! The flu is never fun. However, watching little babies hurt without any ability to understand the pain or express their need is heart wrenching... We'll all be happy to put a few days of good health behind us!