Today was a pretty relaxing and uneventful Sunday, other than the meltdown I already mentioned! After a liesurely morning, Daddy decided to take a nap. Mommy & Mia took the opportunity to join a few other Mom's and visit the Jade & Pearl Market. Mommy bought a beautiful strand of pink pearls and matching earrings for Mia's 16th birthday. Good thing for Mommy, she always seems to be thinking ahead like that...
For dinner we got some take out pasta and went to Kenny, Cathy & Molly's room for dinner. Afterward's, Mommy took Mia up to our room to go to bed while I stayed with kenny to watch a Discovery channel special on the construction of the 3 Gorge dam being built just east of here in China.
Interestingly, this dam will be 1.5 miles wide, which is the width of the Golden Gate Bridge. This will be the largest dam in the world when completed! This one dam will provide enough electricity to accomodate 10% of China's electrical needs. However, as always, with innovation comes sacrifice. Over 1,350 ancient chinese villages will be destroyed as the river waters rise to meet the new dams design. Over 1.3 million villagers will be displaced. Imagine having your city relocated after several thousands years of inhabiting the same land?! It's absolute devastation for many, and a vital link to the future for many more. That single project is so representative of the dillema much of China is facing. With such amazing historical depth, no path to the future can be built without seriously damaging many more links to the past...
Sorry for my digression. Let's get back to what's important here.
Specifically, the two beautiful women in the attached photo. While watching the Discovery channel special with Kenny, I realized I had forgotten my Cheez-It's in the room! When I ran back to our room to grab them, I came across the most beautiful sight I have ever experienced. Lying on the bed, face to face, were Mommy & Mia, fast asleep... They looked like absolute angels and I'm quite sure I've never experienced such a beautiful and touching sight in my entire life. I must have snapped about 25 photos in my excitement! It made me realize how lucky I am to have these two girls in my life. They are everything to me...