Against our better senses, we decided to travel all the way across the country with all three kids! We were Ohio bound. Back when it was just us & Mia, we traveled all the time. She was so easy and sweet, and always made friends on the plane. The twins on the other hand... Well, let's just say they are half psychotic most of the time! So you can understand why we almost cancelled this trip on several occasions. Surprisingly, they all did very well on the plane! Momma had to do the occasional aisle walk, but nobody was arrested or committed... We had an absolute blast seeing so many friends and spending quality time with the family. We celebrated the 4th of July with a BBQ at Grandpa's, and Mia got to play with her cousins, and Zoe & Lilly. Besides getting to see so many great people, and Daddy & Mia getting to play in the woods, Mia also reached a milestone. She rode a bike with no training wheels for the first time!! She is very, very proud of herself, and couldn't wait to get home so she could show her friend, Easton, how cool she is... We're happy to be home and certainly won't miss the humidity & bugs, but the kids can't wait for another visit with their Ohio family & friends!