This morning before breakfast we stopped up at Kathy & Kenny's room.
They have a beautiful little girl named Molly, who is shown playing with Mia in the attached picture. Unfortunately, Molly has been giving her parents a very difficult time this week... We are absolutely in love spicy little Molly. However, while she is bonding with her new parents, she's also spending a great deal of time crying, hence the 'spicy' nickname. They have been absolute saints in the way they've responded and the patience they have shown. However, today Kathy was able to take Molly for a walk with Stacy & Mia to one of Stacy's favorite spots, Starbucks! They then got some quality family play time on the bed with no crying, followed by a great Thai dinner tonight for all of us. We were so happy to see Molly turn the corner. To think it's only been 4 days and she's already settling in. The pediatrician and her husband in our group, Wendy & V, adopted twin 14 month old little girls, Katie & Lilly. Unfortunately their children came from a different orphanage than Mia, and were very malnourished, and clearly not well cared for. It was heart breaking to meet them. They cried incessantly for days, and didn't want much to do with Wendy & V. But as Stacy, Mia & I were out walking today through the shops, we saw the four of them out taking a walk and the girls were quietly hanging out in their strollers, smiling a bit, and even gave Stacy a high 5.
I share these stories with you to make you realize that it's not all roses adopting a little girl from China. We've been so incredibly lucky with Mia.
Each child is different. Many of the families are having really difficult times. But all seem to be improving dramatically from day to day. Before we go home next week I would imagine that just about everyone will be settled in before their long flights home. Even little Mia's boils on her head are almost completely gone, and her ear infection seems to be healed as well. These little girls are so resilient it's amazing... A little love goes a long way!
I'm sure it really helps Molly to have sweet little Mia to play with! You guys are already such awesome parents! It would be so great if the girls became long distance friends/penpals throughout their life-- what an amazing commond bond they share!
ALL of the families you are sharing this journey with are incredibly special people and parents. My love and hope goes out to all of them!! Donna
Aunt Stacy and Uncle Mike, GIRLS ROCK!!! Love, Madison, Maria and Michelle
Stacy & Mike, I can't help but cry everytime I read your comments and see the pictures of Precious Mia and the other parents and Children.
The LOVE that is shown on your faces and Mias as well is very heart warming.You can tell that she is LOVED very much. She is very BLESSED to have parents like you two.I can't believe how many things you've been doing over there
God Bless you all. Mom B
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