Probably the only time we could say there is any stress at all associated with caring for our little Mia is when it's time for a bath...
Mia doesn't seem to love the bath tub, but that's probably the result of our lack of having a good system for bathing her yet. We've tried a number of different methods and have settled in with Daddy climbing in the tub and holding little Mia, while Mommy scrubs all the important places! It makes it all worth it though when we get to see that sweet little face peeking out of the towel. It's also amazing to watch the intense bond developing as Mommy rubs lotion into little Mia's skin. She absolutely loves it. It's about the only time our little wiggle worm lies perfectly still...
This we had to laugh at...The thought of Mike clinbing into the tub-LOL! My how things have changed already!
Patrice, Scott, Mackenzie & Sydney
Bathing Alex was always tricky too. I had different bathtub inserts that really helped. When the baby is in the huge tub by themselves they get scared. You maybe already received an baby tub or an intertube-like thingy the baby can sit in while in the tub? However, Daddy is the best bathtub insert!!!!! Too funny!!!
Ok-- the thought of Mike in the bathtub made me laugh too! Sorry Mike... But what a sweet Daddy you are! What a cute little pumpkin she is!!! Bless her little heart!
Aunt Chrisy
I love this picture!! What a great story....lol I'm so proud of Mike...what a great loving daddy! she looks so comfy in your arms Stacy. XO
Tubby time is soooo much fun!!! Love, Aunt Donna
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