Born 1/29/2007 in Guangdong Province, China. Joined by the 'Twins', Aubrey & Brandon, 2/28/2010
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Ear Tubes!

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Little Man's 1st Hair Cut!

Sweet Aub's 1st Hair Cut!

Little Babe Ruth!

On Deck...

Purim Festival

The New Playroom!

Monday, March 21, 2011
She Moves!!!!!!!!!

This was a big weekend in the Lovell household. Aubrey finally decided to begin crawling!! We've been waiting patiently for months while her Physical Therapist told us that she'd begin crawling any day... Well, apparently 13 months was the number. All of the sudden this weekend she decided that she was tired of sitting in place whining and waiting for everything to be brought to her! Don't get me wrong, it's not much of a crawl at this point. It's more like she's doing the 'worm' or something. But hey, we'll take it! We're very proud of our little girl...
The Computer Nerd!

Recently Daddy was dislocated from his home office... It became clear that the only way to avoid the children totally over running our home with their toys was to provide them a play room! So, Daddy surrendered the office and now the kids have got their very own area to destroy. Mia loves the play room, but missed playing on the computer. So this weekend we went to Ikea and found the perfect children's desk. Now Mia has her very own office that she is exceptionally proud of. Turns out that boy is quite fond of the computer as well. Now that he can reach it we continually find he has crawled over and is playing on her computer! It's really quite cute, he's the perfet computer nerd the way Momma parts his hair...
Sunday, March 20, 2011
T-Ball Star!

Mia started T-ball practice a few weeks ago and our first game is this Tuesday, against the Dodgers! She is so excited to play against another team for the first time, especially since Daddy is the Assistant Coach... Last week Uncle Ryan took this picture at practice. It's my favorite! She looks so serious.
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Brandon has finally entered the stage of learning and mimicing our actions! Here he is doing his famous TOUCHDOWN! He holds up one finger when you ask him how old he is, and the cutest is when you ask him, "Where is Brandon?". He promptly covers both of his eyes to hide... He is such a sweet little boy! You may notice Aubrey's absence in this series of photos. Unfortunately, he is still advancing far more rapidly than she is. The good news is that she is definitely progressing, but still very slowly... She rolls over, sits up and tries to crawl, but isn't quite there yet. Which isn't good at almost 13 months. The specialists assure us she is fine, but we'll feel better when she is crawling & then walking! The physical therapy sessions she attends definitely seem to be helping, but her attitude doesn't. All of her therapists have shared with us what a stubborn little child she is! Great, lucky us... She sure is a sweetie though!
Mrs. Brandon?!?!

Poor boy has to grow up with two sisters who love to dress him up like a woman! It's funny, because Mia has, for some time now, been adamant that she is not a girl, she is a tomboy... Yet, she loves to make Brandon into a little girl. You may notice that every picture with the two of them has her smiling, and boy sharing a look of mild panic! Aren't siblings fun?!?!
The Passenger!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Spring Training!

So here is the best story! Mommy & Daddy go away for the weekend with Mia, leaving the twins at home with Kassy, a babysitter we use who has become one of the family. On Sunday morning Momma says she misses the twins and feels bad that we left them home. A few hours later Kassy texts this picture to Mommy and announces that she's taken Brandon & Aubrey to their first Spring Training baseball game... How bout that? Brandon spends his Sunday afternoon hanging at the ball park with a couple young ladies, while Momma's feeling bad for him! Daddy hasn't even made it to a game yet this year... These kids have the life! Apparently all the beer & hot dogs wore them out, cause they were tired when we got home!
Sledding in Flagstaff

It's been quite a while since Mommy & Daddy got quality time alone with the midget. So we left the twins in the caring hands of Kassy, and headed up to Flagstaff for the weekend. Mia's last sledding experience was when she was 2 years old and face planted on her first run. So we were hoping for a better experience this go round. Thankfully she had an absolute blast! The first run scared her a bit as she wasn't expecting the speed and bumps. After a few runs she really got into it and had a blast! She even made a few runs on her own... After a long day of snow play, we headed to downtown Flagstaff for a pizza & some warm milk. A fantastic day!
Snow Play!
Off Roading!

On Sunday we drove down from Flagstaff to Sedona for the afternoon. Along the way we took a little off roading excursion in Daddy's new 4x4. Mia was thrilled that she was able to sit up front with Mommy & Daddy while on the trails... We stopped off for a photo op with two of the world's most beautiful women!
Ice Cream in the Park!
Shabbat Shalom!

Every Friday Mia's class has a Shabbat celebration, followed by services in the Temple. Each week a different parent gets to be the 'Shabbat Parent' and help serve snacks, read stories. etc. This past Friday was Mommy's turn! Mia was so excited to not only show off her Momma to her class mates, but also her twins siblings... Mia asked if Aubs could sit with her in Temple, which you see above. She sure loves those twins!! By the way, notice Brandon creeping up over the back of the pew... That kid is always up to no good!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Happy 1st Birtday Twinlets!

Of course Momma dressed the twins in matching #1 onsies for their first birthday! Here they are doing their 'touchdown' poses to impress Mommy & Daddy! We had loads of fun celebrating the twins first birthday tonight. Mia was so excited to pick out cupcakes for them. Then she made sure to dig out the birthday candles and presented them with their first real dessert. The pictures that follow will attest to the fact that they clearly like dessert!! Can you believe they are already one?!
Definitely Likes Sugar!

Yep, this would be the look of pure, unadulterated joy! Big boy had his first cup cake and literally reveled in it... By that I mean he sniffed it once, and promptly ground it into his entire face and spread it all around. I think I heard little grunts of joy, but it was hard to tell because his noises were being muffled by chocolate cup cake!!
First Cupcake!!
Big Boy is 1
Happy Chinese New Year!

Can you believe that this was our 4th Chinese New Year celebration with Mia?! Wow, time flies... The annual FCC (Families with Children from China) New Years celebration was this past weekend. Momma worked very hard, as always, raising donations for the auction, selling raffle tickets, and helping out all day. The event was a huge success, and Mia had so much fun! The event concludes with a wonderful parade. The children are gathered by province and each group carries their province's banner. Mia was so proud to be with her Guangdong province cohorts and proudly carried her flag! Momma's focus on continually including Mia's heritage and making China such a big part of our life is really enjoyable for all of us, and provides Mia with a great sense of identity!
Big Sister Support!
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