Welcome to Disney! Don't be frightened by the wild animals, it's just Mia and her cousins... After the long 4th of July weekend we were invited up to LA for a few days of family fun at Disney Land! Grammy & Papa are forever being generous with all of the kids and grandkids, and this was no exception... We stayed at a beautiful hotel on the property and spent three fun filled days with Mia getting to enjoy her Grandparents and cousins Alec, Gavin & Hadley, along with Uncle Pat & Aunt Caren. Mia loves all of her cousins, but has a special affinity for Gavin, pictured above. He dotes on her constantly and it's just so sweet to watch him continually entertaining her, while looking out for her as well. One night, he even layed in bed with Mia and rubbed her forehead until she fell asleep! The bond they have is amazing... We're all very lucky to have such great family! It's hard to choose only a few photos to share, so here goes.
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