Mia is growing up so quickly! It's truly amazing how fast the time goes. I'm frightened that I'll be walking her down the aisle next week... I know, I sound old. She long ago gave up her morning nap, but is still hanging strong with her afternoon nap! She isn't always enthusiastic about going down, but she always wakes up with a huge grin and her typical bubbly personality!! Here is a picture taken as we walked in to get her from her nap. As you can see, she's always happy to see Mommy & Daddy! You may also notice that she is beginning to outgrow her round crib. After much discussion and anxiety, it's time to move on up to the 'Big Girl Bed'... Each new phase is so exciting, but it's tough to let go of the moment, knowing she'll never be that baby again! She certainly is growing into a fine young woman though. It's amazing how polite she is. I'm fairly certain she never misses an opportunity to use 'please', 'thank you' or 'your welcome'. Hearing it in her cute little voice is the greatest! Did I mention that we're in love with this kid?!
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