Our poor little midget was sick all weekend... On Friday night Mia vomited in her crib and ended up spending the rest of the night in bed with Mommy & Daddy. Saturday she seemed to be doing better, but we cancelled our evening plans and stayed home just in case. Good call, Susan dropped Parker off for a little play date and Mia decided to vomit all over the couch! We thought that would be the end of it, until she vomited all over the couch yet again on Sunday morning... Suffice it to say that we cancelled our Sunday plans as well, which was a bummer because we were planning on driving up to Flagstaff to take Mia on the 'Polar Express' train. It's crazy how tough she is. If she's not vomiting, you'd barely even know she's sick. Here is a picture of Mia curled up on the couch with all of her bears on Sunday morning... Poor little girl! And poor Momma who had to wash her blankets and bears three different times this weekend. At least we know they're clean!!
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