Ok, so our first family vacation didn't quite go as planned... Before we left, Mia had her next appointment with the pediatrcian. Everything went well. Clean bill of health and Mia is gaining weight quite nicely. She's up to 16.5 lbs now! Unfortunately, somewhere between the doctor's office and touching down in Denver, Mia developed a massive upper respiratory infection. It took us a while to figure it out, but by 5:00 in the morning, with no sleep, we finally realized she was sick! By night two of no sleep we were really questioning our logic for taking a family vacation... Especially when we pulled Mia into bed with us hoping to soothe her, and she frantically swung her head into Mom's face and split Mom's lip wide open! Dad & Mia decided a nice stroller ride through the hotel might be in order, even if it was the middle of the night! Thankfully we had the resort doctor visit on Saturday morning and she prescribed some medicine that helped our little angel sleep a little better on Saturday night. For obvious reasons we cut our trip short and flew home Sunday morning. There was definitely a silver lining to the whole debacle, which was seeing our little Mia arrive back home for the first time after an extended time away. It's only been about a month and a half, but it was absolutely apparent that she recognized her home and was happy to be back in her crib, safe and sound! It's funny, even with no sleep and loads of stress, we still can't stop hugging and kissing our beautiful little baby! That little girl has all the power...
Poor little baby! You can see her stuffy nose in the picture! And poor Stacy for getting a split lip! Ouch!
Too bad they don't make "Airborne" for babies like they do for adults! I always seem to get colds when I fly to Denver b/c of the altitude... What a bummer!
WOW! We have gone on that VERY same vacation several times!! UGH!!! We decided to just stay home till the kids are in college...hehe
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