After all the heat & excitement, Mia was awfully tired last night. So we did the only reasonable thing and threw her in her bike trailer and went on a 5 mile bike ride to Aunt Cari's! Not too smart, I know... She was whining by the time we got home. Long story short is that after much crying and waking up last night, we gave up and brought Mia into bed with us. This was the first time we've done that since our first week home. Mia went right to sleep and snuggled in with Mommy for several more hours. Thank god!! The picture above shows the love we showered upon our little girl when she woke up... We figured this might drive her back to her bed! :) In all seriousness, it was such an amazing feeling to wake up to her sweet little face and sunny disposition!
She is just the cutest most precious baby ever!!! :)
It's such a joy to follow your journey with Mia. You are such great parents, all blessings on you!
Adorable and sweet...just like her parents! Soo happy for you guys!
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