Today the only formal activity we had was the requisite Chinese medical exam. We walked to a very basic medical facility where we had to stop at three stations. First was weight and height. Mia weighed in at a wopping 15 poundsl, the lightest in the group! The second stop was to have her ears, nose and throat checked. The attached picture shows how much she loved that... The final stop was a general physical. They felt around on her tummy, determined she doesn't have any glaring medical issues, and cleared her for travel to the U.S. Only 48 more hours before Mia officially becomes a U.S. citizen, and heads for home!!
Hey-- she's gained 2 lbs. since you've had her... That's GREAT!!! All good news!
Well do I remember Alex's exams...I cried longer than he did at his shots. That's hard to take. Mia is doing so well now that she has her real parents' loving care--that's wonderful!
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