China is so different from our expectations. We have traveled all over the world and never experienced anything like this... It's interesting to learn about a country so few people really know. The population of the US is currently about 300 million. The population of China is 1.3 billion.
At the same time, the land mass of China is almost identical in size to the US. However, close to 50% of the land is not livable due to mountains and deserts. As a result, you have over 4 times the popultion of America, living in an area half the size of the US. Talk about crowding...
The population of Beijing is currently 30.5 million. New York City, the largest city in the US, is only about 8 million. And Beijing is only the third largest city in China!
Very few Chinese people speak English. Yet they are warm & friendly to foreigners. There is a very strong sense of community and respect of elders. I think the most striking difference about China is that there does not appear to be any jealously or animosity towards Americans. They are very proud of their country and heritage. They are not trying to become the United States of America, and therefore don't share the same obstinence that most Europeans do. It's actually quite refreshing... However, it's still a Communist country. While it feels just like any bustling American city, there are tight controls in place that go unnoticed by the locals. It is impossible to access many Western websites, including Youtube and our own damn blog! While we were watching CNN the other night a segment came on about the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. As the segment moved into a somewhat critical phase, the TV screen went blank for about 3 minutes. The Chinese government had simply pushed a button and cut the signal. A few minutes later it came back on without warning. Hearing that you would think this is a very oppressive society. But the locals truly don't know the difference and look to their government as a source of pride and continued economic success. I guess what you don't know can't hurt you...
Very few Chinese people speak English. Yet they are warm & friendly to foreigners. There is a very strong sense of community and respect of elders. I think the most striking difference about China is that there does not appear to be any jealously or animosity towards Americans. They are very proud of their country and heritage. They are not trying to become the United States of America, and therefore don't share the same obstinence that most Europeans do. It's actually quite refreshing... However, it's still a Communist country. While it feels just like any bustling American city, there are tight controls in place that go unnoticed by the locals. It is impossible to access many Western websites, including Youtube and our own damn blog! While we were watching CNN the other night a segment came on about the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. As the segment moved into a somewhat critical phase, the TV screen went blank for about 3 minutes. The Chinese government had simply pushed a button and cut the signal. A few minutes later it came back on without warning. Hearing that you would think this is a very oppressive society. But the locals truly don't know the difference and look to their government as a source of pride and continued economic success. I guess what you don't know can't hurt you...
Mike & Stacy
Stacy & Mike-
I am so glad that you finally have her in your arms. She is so precious and beautiful.
Thank-you so much for sharing with us everything. We look forward each day to the pictures and updates on Mia. What a beautiful family you have created and you deserve such a wonderful happy, beautiful baby. All our love Bill and Mary
Mike and Stacy
We can not get enough of your
pictures and stories-thank you
so much for sharing. Congratulations again to you both and all Mia's extended family!
Rob and Cindy
Hey Guys! China seems quite interesting, and it is great that you are learning so much as I am sure that Mia will someday have many questions. Be safe, and we are enjoying all the pictures and commentary.
Patrice, Scott, Mackenzie & Sydney
Stacy & Mike-
Congratulations, Congratulations! We are so thrilled for you guys!
I look so forward to your updates and pictures each day and I'm amazed at how you are sharing your days with us! It's quite beautiful! Thank you for allowing us to share in your joy!
Mary, George and Peyton
Lovell Family!!
Wow, we are overwhelmed with joy for the three of you. We still can't hold back tears each time I read about your new baby. Thanks for including us in your journey to Mia. Congratulations!
XOXO Kristin, Tim, Andrew and Tommy
What amazing tales Mia will be hearing at bedtime for years to come!! Aunt Donna and Uncle Chris
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