We're sad to announce that this will be our final post from China!
We're excited though, because that means we're almost home and we'll finally get the chance to introduce you all to Mia Sara Jia Lovell...
We depart in the morning and won't arrive back in Phoenix until almost midnight on Friday night. We're hoping that Mia continues her peaceful ways and that our flights are enjoyable. We can't thank you all enough for your love and support over the past few weeks. It has meant so much to us to run to our email each morning and check out all the supportive comments left on Mia's blog. We'll continue to provide periodic updates for anyone who is interestd in learning of Mia's progress and continued growth. We'll certainly provide an update this weekend as we're getting settled in, to let you all know how the trip home and first night in Mia's new palace of a room goes! Plus it should be interesting to see how our cat Sofia accepts Mia into her domain... Who knows, this is pretty addictive sharing Mia's life with you all, maybe we'll find we can't stop... Thank you & see you soon!
Mike, Stacy & Mia!
I have been checking this non-stop for new updates. I love all the stories and details and the unbelievable pictures of China. We wish you a safe easy trip home. See you soon!!
Jackie and Ken
I love seeing the pics and hearing all the great stories too! Keep them coming!! She's a doll! This blog is great! I'm definitely addicted to it! LOL!
Thanks so much for taking the time to do this. It really was a great way to share the experience! We can't wait to meet Mia. Have a safe trip home.
Love- Lisa, Steve and Gwenyth
Thank you for sharing pictures and explaining how your trip was going.
It felt like I was there w/you.I really got into this blog.It was great.So happy you're on your way home.Pray that you have a safe and enjoyable trip.You're Wonderful parents.Theres no place like home,
tho.Mia is just adorable and we all
can't wait to meet her.Love from all of the Bonner clan.Mom B
I can't wait to see her.She's beautiful. Have a safe trip home.
Love Chrissy
We loved checking this blog nightly and virtually sharing this experience with you. We can't wait to see you all in person! Safe trip home --
Love, Tami & the boys (that includes Aaron)
I can't wait for you to come home!!! I have been addicted to the blog but the real thing will be so much better :)
Love, Eileen
Have a sfe trip back guys! Hope tp hear from you soon!
Patrice, Scott, Mackenzie & Sydney
7502210447988963.202563222 whatever the number, Peyton wanted to share his kisses with you and Mia! We were absolutely astounded by the amazing blog updates and pictures and couldn't wait to check them each morning. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us and I have to admit, it makes us want to adopt now! What a beautiful family you make and you are blessed to have each other...Mia was definately worth the wait! Congratulations Again to all of you and we can't wait to meet Mia in person!
Loads of love, Mary, George and Peyton.
What an amazing journey. She is so beautiful, I can't wait to meet her. I was sharing your story with friends last night and when I told them about Mike's posting when you finally held Mia there wasn't a dry eye in the room. The blog has been a fantastic way for all of us to feel a part of your trip. Love you! Sandy and Dave
GodSpeed... have a safe flight you guys. Can't wait to see you both (or all three!) tonight!
Thanks for your faithful updates. Jenny and I have read them all in anxious anticipation. We are so happy for you both and glad to see you have been so blessed with little Mia. Wish we could be here for #2...
See ya tonight,
Skip/Jenny Richards
Oh, and Jenny hates it when I say this... but, Benadryl works wonders on kids while flying!!! :-)
(puts them to sleep for hours, and clears out the sinuses so decompression earaches on descent lessens)
I'd never admit to it in a court of law, but my kids are products of Benadryl traveling (hmmmm... maybe THAT's the reason!!)
Thanks for keeping all of us updated datily on your dream come true! We hope you had safe travels back to the States & truly can not wait to meet Mia & talk with you soon!
Thinking of you often!
Paula, Cam & Baby C
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