Tonight we had an organized group dinner at a local traditional Cantonese restaurant. I wish I could show you all the photos of the snakes, toads, sand worms and water bugs that were live and ready to eat... Suffice it to say that there are some unique eating habits in other countries. Our guide told us that two American fathers got into a competition several months back and one guy actually ate 25 Water Beetles!! I have to admit, it was a little enticing to try something new... The attached picture is of a deep fried pigeon head. Kenny & I ate the body! Pigeon was about as far as I was willing to go. Especially since one of the other fathers sat back making perfect pigeon cooing impersonations throughout our meal...
OK... You guys are definitely brave!!! There is NO WAY I would've tried any of that stuff! lol... Good for you though... You'll have lots of great stories to tell Mia one day (and the pictures to prove it!)
all I can say to this is: OMG!!!
(I notice Stacy is not consuming any of the "unusual" fare...smart girl!!)
Our friend Eric is here from Hong Kong and I was showing him your pictures and he said the worms are quite good and full of Protein! He said they ate lots of them as children. I'll stick with other forms of protein.
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