Born 1/29/2007 in Guangdong Province, China. Joined by the 'Twins', Aubrey & Brandon, 2/28/2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Gangster Brandon!

Early Presents!

Big Lovers!

Real Food...

The twins have finally made the move to real food!! We supplement their bottles with Momma's home made baby food. At first Daddy didn't take Momma's desire to make her own baby food too seriously. At least until the twins lit up when they ate the crazy concoctions she has devised... Anyone for fresh salmon, pineapple and eggplant all blended into one seriously foul looking puree?!?! They love it! Fresh fruit, a little pasta? You name it and she's blending it. They sure do love their Momma's cooking!
Messy! Who Me?

Her Mohawk!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Happy Kids!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Big Lovers!
Kiddie Cage!

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Momma Love...
Happy Girl!
Aunt Catha!
Best Friends!

Happy Siblings!
Boy Buried...

Brandon & Aubrey like to play in Momma's clothes baskets. He usually gets 2 or 3 toys to play with while he's in there. However, on this particular day Mommy asked sweet little Mia to get a few toys for her brother! You can barely make him out beneath the massive pile of toys... She was quite amused with herself.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Happy Chanuka

Mia really enjoyed her first night of Chanuka! For some reason she thinks that this holiday is all about eating chocolate gelt and getting presents... She's all in for anything that combines her favorite pass times! On the first night of Chanuka she got an 'Olivia' trunk. 'Olivia' is her most recent favorite TV show, about a talking pig. On the second night of Chanuka she got a digital violin! If you know Mia, you know how she feels about her musical instruments. She insisted on taking it with her to her hair cut this evening... Children make the holidays so much fun!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Happy Hannukah from St. Nick!
Yes, I realize we're Jewish, but hey, we're greedy! And tell me this isn't the cutest damn picture?! Our sweet neighbor Lucia offered to watch Brandon for a little while this afternoon so Momma could run to grab Mia from school. While she had him she took the liberty of dressing him up as Santa Claus and captured a bunch of hysterical little photos... He's jolly alright!
Rough Life!

These kids sure know how to work their Momma! It's truly amazing the amount of effort that goes into caring for these children... Usually only one rests at a time, but every once in a while they will simply wilt at about the same moment! Case in point. Here they are in the middle of being fed some yummy sweet potatoes, and both of them fall sound asleep! Couple of hams...
Progress at Last...

I'm happy to announce that in the last two weeks Aubrey has made tremendous progress! In no time she has begun rolling over, is sitting up strong, and even beginning to make progress towards crawling... Of course Bam Bam Brandon is Army crawling across the room. I'm afraid if we turn our back on him he may crawl off down the street and we'll find him hitting on a neighbor girl. It's really fun to watch them progressing!
Buckeye Nation Domination!

We may not be going to the National Championship, but we sure as hell put a proper whooping on Michigan! What better way to cap off a season?! Ryan's Mom & Dan visited for Thanksgiving, so they stopped by for the Ohio State game and a BBQ. Donna is so loving and sweet, and just ate up the children... There's our future Buckeye cheerleader!
Cute Cousins!
Reading with Papa!
The Cousins!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Attack of the LIttle People!
Grandma & Grandpa Visit!
Momma's Boy!
Daddy's Girl!!
The Little Baker!

Mia is definitely what you would call a 'Tomboy'. She is very into cars, bikes and playing in the garage! This suits Daddy just fine... However, lately Momma was growing a little concerned that Mia only liked boy toys. Daddy assured Momma that this was quite natural, but Mom likes to worry nonetheless... So Momma was very excited the other night when Mia saw a commercial for the 'Magic Rise Oven' and declared she would like the princess version! Needless to say, Momma had it overnighted to the house, and the midget is now knee deep in fresh baked cupcakes!!
Note the tie-dye shirt she made at a birthday party last weekend. She is very proud!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Rainy Day!
Papa Time!

Stacy really enjoyed taking Mia to Kindermusic when she was a baby. So when it came time to enroll the twins, she faced the dilemma of handling two kids by herself... Thankfully a lot of family and friends have come through and helped out when schedules permit. Last week Grammy & Papa made the trek from Tucson to partake in the singing and dancing! As you can see, Brandon really enjoyed having Papa with him in class...
Grammy Time!
Wonder Twins!

Last Minute Change!

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Happy Halloween 2010!!!
Big Love!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The War Zone!

The Lovell home has been quarantined this week and is officially a war zone! All five family members have been hit hard with the stomach flu... It started with poor Aubrey projectile vomiting on Sunday afternoon, and progressed throught the ranks. On Monday night, everyone but Mia was in the depths of despair at the very same time. Thank God Momma has the constitution she has, or we'd have all been carted away by ambulance. That woman's level of sacrifice knows no boundaries... Aunt Cathy was a huge help as well. She showed up sporting a surgical mask, which entertained Mia, and proceeded to assist with Mia's bathing and bedtime routine. She was a tremendous help. Then on Tuesday, as we thought we were pulling out of it, Mia decides to projectile vomit as she is playing the drums! The flu is never fun. However, watching little babies hurt without any ability to understand the pain or express their need is heart wrenching... We'll all be happy to put a few days of good health behind us!
Somebody Help me!!

Thankfully Brandon is one awfully good sport! Mia can already recognize the clear difference between Brandon's masculine playfulness and Aubrey's senstive demeanor... She is constantly harrasing the poor kid. Here he was hanging out playing with his toy, and she decides to mount him like a horse! Can you tell by the look of panic on his face that he's wondering what in the hell she is doing on top of him?! That look is usually followed by a smile a few moments later...
Sisterly Love!
Happy Boy!

I'm fairly certain there hasn't been a photo taken of our boy with anything other than a smile on his face! I used to think we were blessed and lucky to have such happy children. However, after three kids, I'm realizing there might be a common cause at work. Like perhaps being the luckiest children alive in having a Mommy like Stacy! Her never ending love and constant affection for these children is overwhelming... In fact, the state sends a developmental nurse to our home once a month to ensure our premature children are progressing in a healthy manner. During her last visit, Mia was showing off her collection of drawings of her family and friends. The nurse commented that of the dozens of pictures she saw, every person, animal or tree had a massive smile attached. Apparently that's a healthy thing, and not a big surprising to anyone who has met my over achieving wife... We are certainly very lucky for many things, and Stacy is at the top of that list!
Many Talents!

Mia is certainly a child of many talents! Not only has she shown a natural talent for music, but she really loves art. She is now taking an art class after school on Wednesday's, and yet still can't wait to get home and tear into her art supplies... Our walls are now covered with her artwork that she skillfully arranges and hangs! It's funny how 'pre-children' we were so focused on having a perfect house with everything arranged so carefully. Now, our house is in constant disarray with what appears to be a child's random scribblings hanging on all walls, hallways, windows, etc. Yet that is exactly what makes our house such a warm home... We can't imagine it any other way!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mia's Teammate!

For whatever reason, Mia is, and has been, obsessed with baseball... Unfortunately, Mommy & Daddy can't stand the sport, but that sure doesn't slow her down! She continually asks us how many days until her 4th birthday, since that is the age she can join the local baseball team. Unfortunately, I'm not kidding! Nope, she's not asking how soon she can race her first go-kart or ride her dirt bike, which is crushing to Daddy... So, she decided to enlist her brother in her quest for baseball greatness. Here he is trying to play nicely on his own, while she dresses him up like her first baseman!
Car Wash!

We Arizonans are very excited that the summer heat has finally decided to give us a break! We cooled down to the 90's over the past week, and Mia decided it was appropriate to pull all her cars and bikes out of the garage for a good cleaning... She invited over her best buddy in the neighborhood, Easton, for a little assistance. They were so cute together! After they polished her pink Jeep, they cruised up and down the street together... She's the sweetest!
Crazy Sleeper!

The Original Mary!

These three young ladies sure do love the twins! Grammy brought two of her closest friends with her to visit last week. Mary Johnson & Chrissy Code have always played a huge role in Mommy's life, and they have been nothing but supportive and loving during the trials and tribulations of child birth. So to see them enjoying some quality time with Brandon & Aubrey, along with proud Grammy, was really special for all of us... Plus, Mia's favorite object on Earth is her Mary Bear. She is attached to this bear like you can't imagine! Mary Johnson was the generous giver of Mary a few years back, so Mia was mesmerized to meet the Original Mary! We're very lucky to have so much love in our lives...