Born 1/29/2007 in Guangdong Province, China. Joined by the 'Twins', Aubrey & Brandon, 2/28/2010
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Hard at Work...

Mmmm mmmm

Her progression in the past few weeks has been startling. Mia quickly went from being able to take a wobbly step or two, to racing from room to room. On Sunday we took her to the Mesa Children's museum and it was difficult to keep up with her. Although I must admit, she still looks a little like the Bride of Frankenstein with her unique walking style! Mia has also chosen her first clear word. Big surprise to Mommy, it's 'Daddy'... The funny part is that she yells it out very loud, over and over, with a slight British accent. Must be all those tea parties we've been having! She's still the best, and gets better every day...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Working for a Living...
Monday, February 18, 2008
Chinese New year Celebration!

The FCC celebration was in downtown Phoenix at Heritage Square. There were Chinese dancers & drummers, face painting, balloon animals, rock climbing, a cake walk, bake sale, craft table, etc. It really was a great time for the kids and the adults. (Note to self: recommend a beer tent for 2009!) Stacy was in charge of the bake sale, which did more than double the business of last year, as well as the cake walk & vendors. There was also a raffle, and Stacy secured donations of free room stays at local hotels, etc... Christine, Sascha's Mom, coordinated the food for over 500 people, and it was great! Megan, Maya's Mom, handled all the crafts & activities, which were a huge hit! The Mom's on the board really worked hard, and it showed!
Mia is so proud of her over achieving Momma! We can't wait for next year...
Schultz Visit!

We played in the pool, went to the train park, and celebrated the Chinese New Year together on Saturday. Trenna was also very helpful since Daddy is still out of commission with broken wrists. Mommy really appreciated the help! We can't wait for their next trip West.
Tea Party!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
Mia Walks!!!!!
The Foot Rub...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Our Little rock Star!

Club Mia!

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