Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Ok, this picture was just too funny not to share! As I was walking down the hall the other day I see Mia, with the door wide open, just hanging out on the toilet watching a movie...  Wow!!


Anonymous said...

get those legs open nice and wide show your delicious little bald p=ssy

Anonymous said...

For the previous poster, I pray hard that some kind soul offers you a one-way ride to the nearest max security prison for an extended indeterminate stay where you can share your perverted fantasies about what you'd like to do with children so that the long-term inmates there can commiserate with you in their own special ways about their own take on the treatment of children; I hear it can be quite an eye-opener, even if sporting two permanent shiners become the least of your worries.

As for Mia, she is just showing a good sense of ingenuity in showing us all that she can enjoy even long playing movies without needing to be interrupted by inconvenient bathroom breaks, that's all. Good on her! Bravo! :)