Mia has finally begun to give us a bit of a hard time sleeping... It comes as such a surprise since we've been so spoiled by what an easy child she is. Or so we're told... For the past week or two she has been waking up in the middle of the night and the only way to get her to go back to sleep is to bring her into our bed! While it's amazingly cute, this is not something that Mommy or Daddy are ok with. So we're told that we're going to need to let her 'cry it out'. Not something that is very easy... Maybe we'll try that next week!
I took this picture last night at about 3:30 am. We had some of the worst monsoon storms I can ever recall. We even lost power for about 13 hours, which is really fun when it's over 100 degrees outside!! So we tore the sheets back, brought the Midget to bed with us, and all spread out on the bed trying to remain as cool as possible. She's beautiful even when she's sleeping... Like Mommy!