Thursday, June 2, 2011

Molly Visits!!

Kenny & Molly flew in from NJ for a visit this weekend. Mia & Molly were born one day apart, and were in the same orphanage in Janxi for 7 months! They haven't seen each other since they were little babies, so we were all very excited about their visit. The girls took about 3 minutes to get comfortable with each other, and immediatly began setting up a restaurant, playing school & then headed out for some quality Jeep time... Adorable little Chinese dolls!

Boy's Bear!

Little Buddy has grown fond of his teddy bear. Here he is snuggling with him during nap time! So cute...

Little DJ

Cute little Aubers found Mia's headphones and was adamant about wearing them for several hours! She looked like a little DJ getting ready to spin some tunes... Gotta love those rosey cheeks!