Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Stop & Smell the Roses

Could there be a cuter picture?! She is so phenomenally sweet... Every day she makes us appreciate our lives a little bit more than yesterday!

Camaro Girl...

No question that being in Cleveland was great. We got a chance to see so many people & had so much fun... However, the pinnacle of the trip was when our little midget climbed into Daddy's 69 Camaro and excitedly pretended she was driving it! Can you ask for more from a midget? The future looks bright for this kid... (and Daddy!)

Swing Time!

While in Cleveland, Mommy & Mia got a chance to hang out with Lisa & Steve Pastor and their beautiful daughter Gwenyth! They hung out in the park for a bit and, as you can tell, the girls loved the swings. Unfortunately, Daddy couldn't make it as he had gone out a little late the night before...

Puppy Love...

While in Cleveland, Dave & Sandy hosted a barbecue at their beautiful home! It was so great to see their whole family, as well as Brian & Eileen. Here's Paul & Andrea's daugher Sophia & Brian & Eileen's daughter Greta flanking Mia, as she harasses the puppies... Unfortunately our midget wasn't feeling so well that night and was abnormally whiney... She even ended up projectile vomiting all over Mommy before the night was through. Lucky Mommy!

Booksmart Friends!

While in Cleveland, Mommy & Mia had a play date at the library! Here's our midget sharing the chair with her new friends. Mary Hollish's son Peyton and Cindy Sherman's kids Robby & Leah. Aren't they all so cute?!