It's official, at 8:28 am this morning Mia became a big sister to baby brother Brandon Christopher, weighing 3 lbs. 12 oz. & baby sister Aubrey Paige, weighing 3 lbs. 9 oz. Both of Mia's siblings are doing fantastic! For being born at only 31 weeks, they are both breathing on their own, controlling their own body temp and are absolultey perfect in every way... Mom had a bit of a tough weekend, to say the least. She is recovering well and we're hoping to have her home soon! Welcome to the family Brandon & Aubrey, we love you!!
Special thanks to Dr. Karrie Francois, Stacy's OB, who did an amazing job with the procedure. Also, you'll notice the Ohio State scrubs on the other doctor. It was at that moment that I knew everything was going to be ok...