Sunday, November 20, 2011

Crazy Girl...

I'm not even going to try and explain this one... Suffice it to say this girl is crazy! Between the hair & the goggles, she's quite the spectacle. We love her, craziness and all...

The Puppet!

I still can't quite figure out why Brandon is so obsessed with an older sister who absolutely torments him... She clearly loves him, but continually tortures him! This was her response to Daddy asking her to give Big Boy a hug for the camera. Shortly after this photo was snapped his face began turning red... Even when being strangled he was smiling with love for his big sissy!

Rare Pose...

Brandon is such a boy... It's gets harder every day to actually get a picture of him! Aubrey will stop and say cheese the moment she sees the camera. But Brandon? Nope, he immediatley hides his face or runs away... He's a goof! But when we do capture a photo, the handsome little man never seems to fail to impress with his winning smile & beautiful blue eyes!

Happy Girl...

Boy, it's amazing what a few months can do... Before Aubs could walk she was really frustrated and cranky. Now, she's just a ball of joy and happiness! Here she is proudly displaying that she was able to undress herself right after Momma had just gotten her dressed... Yes, the dressing of children can take close to an hour with Momma chasing children in every different direction. It's rather entertaining!