With all that has been going on in our world, probably no one has had it more difficult than little Mia... She has never been away from her Momma for this long a period of time, and she misses her horribly. (As does Daddy...) But true to style, she always finds a way to bring sunshine into our lives! This morning when I woke up I found Grandma and Mia doing laundry. That's right, Mia decided she was going to help Mommy around the house! Tell me that isn't the sweetest thing you've heard? We're so blessed to have two new babies coming into our lives, but we're both in agreement that Mia will always hold an incredibly special place in our heart... She was our first baby and we are so deeply in love with her that it's hard to fathom loving any other creature half as much. I know we will, but I just don't see how! Time to learn...
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